
All Cows, Bulls, Calves

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A toy livestock figure for everyone. Vast variety of breeds in a large variation of colors, shapes, and poses. Many figures with horns - many without. Side by side for your shopping convenience.

Toy Cows, Bulls, and Calves

Happy Hen Toys has one of the largest online toy farm animal stores on the web. We put all our toy cows, bulls, and calfs on this one page for your convenience so you can compare figure vs. figure - manufacturer vs. manufacturer.

Huge selection of toy livestock figures. Lots of different toy cattle breeds: Angus, Ankole-Watusi, Brahman, Camargue, Friesian, Herford, Highland, Holstein, Jersey, Simmental, Spanish, Swiss, Texas Longhorn, and MORE. Great variety of cow colors: Grey, Brown Black, White, spotted, and blended colors. Cows, Bulls, Calves. Great selection.