
Best 2022 Schleich Horses

Last Updated 1/14/2023

This Schleich Horse 2022 Buying Guides gives you an overview of new Schleich horses released to date in 2022. We have reviewed the newly released 2022 Schleich horses and foals based on our opinions and ranked them from top to bottom. We have ranked the horses and the foals separately, but both can be found in this listing. Generally, we find that since the foals are smaller, their details are not as refined as the horses. We found all the 2022 horses to be ranked at LEAST acceptable – e.g. all figures on this list are good figures and deserve serious consideration. We hope you find this information helpful in selecting which Schliech horses you would like to add to your Schleich Horse Club collection.

Our Favorite Schleich Horse 2022: Oldenburger Stallion #13946

Oldenburger Stallion #13946We ranked this horse as the best of the 2022 new releases. It was a close call, however, as many of the other new 2022 horses are also very good. We really like the overall shape and the eye / face. The mane has a great “flowing” aspect to it. The different shades of brown are well applied. Congratulations to the Oldenburger Stallion – a Happy Hen Toys award winner!


Runner-Up (#2) Schleich Horse 2022: Belgian Draft Horse #13941

Belgian Draft Horse #13941This horse had the best texture of all the 2022 Schleich releases. We especially like the texture on the tail and mane. Those are the best features on this figure – but the figure is strong overall. Would have been the #1 Schleich horse for 2022 if there was more highlighted features in the body paint.


#3 Schleich Horse 2022: Iceland Pony Mare #13942

Iceland Pony Mare #13942The Schleich Iceland Pony Mare has one of the best manes of any Schleich horse. Flowing and swept to the side - with great highlights - really one of the best. Tail is also well painted and flowing and the purple "flowery ribbon" is a nice touch on the tail. White body also has nice light grey highlights. Overall a great horse to add to your Schleich horse collection.


#4 Favorite Schleich Horse Figure 2022: Criollo Definitivo Mare #13948

Schleich Criollo Definitivo Mare #13948The most unique feature on this horse is the braided mane. Nice and tight with a couple of braid accents. Shading is nice combination of light to dark on the overall figure. Tail also has a "braid" detail on the back side. Very nice figure.


#5 Favorite Horse Figure 2021: Icelandic Pony Stallion #13943

Schleich Icelandic Pony Stallion #13943The best feature of this Schleich horse model is the flowing main and the flowing tail. We like the texture, shape, and color of the tail and mane. The shape of this figure is also nice. The reason this model slid down to the #5 best spot of 2022 is the texture of the body. Very smooth and looks a little "plasticly." We would like more texture and not as much "shine" on the body. Still a good model to add to your Schleich horse collection.


#6 Schleich Horese 2022: Oldenburger Mare #13946

Schleich Oldenburger Mare #13946Nice brown color with shading overall. The mane is closely cropped / braided. Unique silver hoofs. Solid figure. Nothing truly notable either good or bad.

2022 Schleich
Foal Rankings


Best Schleich Foal 2022: Oldenburger Foal #13947

Schleich Oldenburger Foal #13947All the new Schleich 2022 foals are good models. We selected this foal as the best of 2022 as we feel the face is the best of the bunch. We especially like that the white spot on the forehead is in the shape of heart. The dark eye and face has good shape and overall looks realistic. Overall a good looking foal.


Runner Up Schleich Horse Foal 2022: Criollo Definitivo Foal #13949

Schleich Criollo Definitivo Foal #13949This is a nice overall foal and a good partner to the Schleich Criollo Definitivo Mare also released in 2022. Good shading paint is applied overall - texture is smooth - we would like a little more hair detail. Overall a good figure.


#3 Schleich Foal Figure 2022: Trakehner Foal #13944

Schleich Trakehner Foal #13944This is a fine figure from Schliech. We think the face is a little narrow and the eye is not as shiny as we would prefer. Primarily flat grey color has some but not a lot of variation. A solid but not exceptional figure.p>



This Schleich Equestrian Figure 2021 Buying Guides gives the information you need to best build your Schleich Horse Club collection. Also, be sure to look at each individual Schleich horse page. We have updated the product pictures with ACTUAL product pictures. We provide you with the manufacturer (often retouched) photo, but we also provide you with multiple ACTUAL pictures of the Schleich horses. Happy Hen Toys is already one of the largest Schleich Horse Club stores on the web, but we hope by providing you with the best Schleich horse information that we will become your "go to" Schleich online store.

Schleich Buying Guide - Horses and Foals 2022