Top Ten Selling Schleich Horses 2023
Updated 2/4/2023
So far in 2023, the Schleich Paso Peruano Mare has been the most popular Equestrian figure from the Schleich collection. The coloring is a deep brown with subtle shading. While the mane and tail of the mare feature braiding details in the same color as the hair, we think paint detailing of a different color would have made these features stand out more. If you're looking to enhance your Schleich Farm World collection, this figure would be the perfect addition.
Based on sales, Paso Peruano Stallion was the second most popular Schleich horse in 2023. It was barely beat out of the #1 spot. This model is characterized by its striking contrast between its dark body and light tan mane and tail. The shading from the lighter body to the darker legs is well-executed. However, there is one fault - the tail touches the back leg and the paint seam in that spot is not as sharp as desired. Overall a good looking model from Schleich.
The Schleich model features a stunning contrast between its tan body and its white mane and tail. However, the mane's fine strands extend beyond its boundary, making the white paint appear sloppy in some areas. We wish there had been more precision when painting the mane. Despite this, the model is overall a fine looking piece from Schleich.
This is the fourth most popular Schleich horse figure in 2023. This classic was released in 2015 but remains one of the most popular horses. Its white and brown two-tone coloring stands out, as does its two-toned mane, which is a rare feature among other models. This exquisite Schleich model is sure to be admired in your collection.
Newly released in 2023, this is a great looking model from Schleich and is a sight to behold. The grey coloring is not a single flat hue, but rather has black blended shading overtones that add depth and accentuate the figure. The black mane and tail provide an excellent contrast to the grey. All in all, this is an amazing addition to Schleich's collection, and pairs wonderfully with the Cheval de Selle Francais Stallion which happens to be the next figure on the list.
Luckily the Stallion and the Mare are next to each other on the list. Schleich crafted a beautiful model that boasts a grey coloration with black shading for added dimension. The contrast of the black mane and tail against the grey coat is striking, and the mane is artfully knotted as if ready for competition. This new piece adds to Schleich's collection and pairs nicely with the Cheval de Selle Francais Mare.
The 2023 Schleich Cheval de Selle Francais Foal is the first foal on our 2023 best seller list. Boasting a sleek grey coat and an alert tail ready to bolt. Its subtle coloring makes it a perfect complement to the more striking Cheval de Selle Francais Mare and Stallion, creating a beautiful family. Pick up this foal today to complete your set.
This was the second best selling individual foal of 2023, but was very close to the #1 Schleich Foal. The Paso Peruano Foal arrived from Schleich in 2023, completing the Paso Peruano Family. Its beautiful brown coat is highlighted by black accents on the mane, tail, and legs, and a white birthmark on the forehead adds a nice touch. Its tail is flowing gracefully, giving the impression of motion.
New in 2023, the most noticeable feature is the deep black color over virtually the entire model. The only exceptions are the 4 hooves and the white socks on the two rear legs. The white socks could be more crisply applied. Horse is in a running pose. Overall, this is a good new model from Schleich.
This Schleich Equestrian Figure 2023 Buying Guides gives the information you need to best build your Schleich Horse Club collection. Also, be sure to look at each individual Schleich horse page. We have updated the product pictures with ACTUAL product pictures. We provide you with the manufacturer (often retouched) photo, but we also provide you with multiple ACTUAL pictures of the Schleich horses. Happy Hen Toys is already one of the largest Schleich Horse Club stores on the web, but we hope by providing you with the best Schleich horse information that we will become your "go to" Schleich online store.
This Schleich Horse 2023 Buying Guide gives you an overview of the most popular Schleich Equestrian Figures ranked by unit sales so far in 2023. Not surprisingly, most of the best selling Schleich horses so far in 2023 are the new Schleich horses that were released in 2023. We hope you find this information helpful in selecting which Schleich horses you would like to add to your Schleich Horse Club.
Top Selling Schleich Horse 2023: Paso Peruano Mare #13953

#2 Schleich Horse 2023: Paso Peruano Stallion #13952

#3 Schleich Equestrian 2023: Haflinger Mare #13950

#4 Most Popular Schleich Horse Figure 2023: Tinker Mare #13773

#5 Schleich Horse Figure 2023: Cheval de Selle Francais Mare #1355

#6 Schleich Horse Figure 2023: Cheval de Selle Francais Stallion #13956

#7 Schleich Equestrian Figure 2023: Cheval de Selle Francais Foal #13957

#8 Schleich Horse Club Model 2023: Paso Peruano Foal #13954

#9 Schleich Horse Figure 2023: Noriker Stallion #13958

This Schleich Equestrian Figure 2023 Buying Guides gives the information you need to best build your Schleich Horse Club collection. Also, be sure to look at each individual Schleich horse page. We have updated the product pictures with ACTUAL product pictures. We provide you with the manufacturer (often retouched) photo, but we also provide you with multiple ACTUAL pictures of the Schleich horses. Happy Hen Toys is already one of the largest Schleich Horse Club stores on the web, but we hope by providing you with the best Schleich horse information that we will become your "go to" Schleich online store.